Mental Spring Cleaning

Clear your mind with paper and pen 

Brandy Agerbeck hosts a five-day online un-challenge to share easy, accessible, hands-on tools to erase overwhelm, sort through feelings and ideas, and organize your thinking. 

April 14 to 18

11:00 to 11:45 am each day, Chicago time. 

Register for free, or upgrade your experience for $97. 

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Our UNCHALLENGE will gently tackle common mental and emotional challenges.  

These sessions are for you if you —

Are held back by overwhelm, procrastination, or perfectionism.

Need to guide your super speedy brain in the right direction

Are ready to break free of patterns of thought that keep you stuck

Never lack ideas, but struggle to organize and prioritize them

Hello from Brandy —

I’ll be teaching you my favorite techniques for handling the 4 challenges above, and so much more.

You’ll get my tried-and-true methods to sort out what actually matters from all the mental clutter.

I shaped these five sessions to give yourself RELIEF from the overwhelm and gain true CLARITY.

I’ll be leading you through daily guided reflection exercises that not only will give you immediate insights, but you can also repeat whenever you need to. 

Registration is free, or upgrade to the "Brain Spa" for extra goodies. See right 👉

Our sessions will be 11:00 am to noon, Chicago time.  Monday, April 14 through Friday, April 18.

Get ready to give your Beautiful Brain some relief!

The Brain Spa

Upgrade for $97 for: 

  • One year access to replays of all 5 days
  • $50 credit towards Brandy's upcoming executive functions workshop
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  • These are not lectures, or hype sessions that make you feel like there’s even more you SHOULD be doing.
    No shoulding on ourselves.

  • DO NOT sign up expecting to half-listen or multi-task. You’ll be wasting your time. You must be present to win.
  • You'll need a few very basic materials:

    ⬜ About 10 sheets of blank, letter/A4-size loose leaf paper

    ⬜ A few pens

    ⬜ On Tuesday, you can swap in blank index cards or sticky notes for your paper

A peek at our week together —

Day 1 | Monday, April 14

Embracing the wonderful mess and mix inside of us.

First, you'll take all your outside stresses and give them a place to land. The perfect transition to become present in this time you're taking for yourself. 

Next, Brandy busts a couple myths to clear away some mental blocks, and opens our minds to all the amazing information inside of us. You already have everything you need to succeed. 

  • No chucking ourselves into one bucket. We are not left-brained or right-brained. We are not logical or creative.
  • We are all whole human beings chock full of thoughts, feelings, and ideas. This week you reconnect with all parts of yourself.

Day 2 | Tuesday, April 15

Get yourself SORTED. 

If Monday's messiness has you dubious about what you signed up for, Tuesday's tool will become your brain's best friend.

Brandy teaches you a dead simple method for getting your thoughts sorted:

  • Your mile-long to-do list
  • Parts of a big projects you are coordinating
  • The pieces of a talk, article, book you are writing
  • Choices in an important decision you have to make
  • And just about any other pile of ideas!

Day 3 | Wednesday, April 16

Gather and ground yourself. 

This session is all about recalibrating what is yours to do.

Do any of these scenarios ring true? 

  • You loooooooove the challenge of making Big Things happen...
    ...but also face the hangover period of being wiped out when its done.

  • You've got A LOT of good things going on, you are grateful for all of it... 
    ...and it is still A LOT. 

  • You would do anything for your loved ones, but right now, you're not sure where you end and the next person begins.
  • Tending to juggle a lot of things, you are quick to berate yourself when you drop a ball. 

  • You've been "punished for your competence" and have other people's responsibilities on your plate.
  • Your calendar is no longer your own. Carving out Me Time feels impossible.
  • Just reading this list has your shoulders tensing up to your ears.

First, take a looooooooong deeeeeep breath. 

Take another breath.


You are not alone. You are in very good company. 

Sign up for the UNCHALLENGE. Make this time for you.

Brandy designed Day 3 specifically for you.

We are surrounded by all kinds of noise. 

What is in your tap water might kill you
the tap water. 

Well-meaning friend:
I know what you should do... 

The 'expert:'
If you are not doing X, you won't get Y.

Your 60-second solution is here. Call 1-800-U-BUY-NOW.

That person you follow on social media:
Have you seen my life? It is incredible.

Then your inner critic jumps in —

Woah, their life is perrrrfect. Why don't you have what they have? What was that number, 1-800-SOMETHING-SOMETHING? It sounds great. Huh... maybe it is too good to be true. Remember when you fell for that quick fix before? But that expert totally knows their stuff. You never could get Y. Maybe X is the missing piece. You really should do what your friend said. Their life is so together. But look at you... for heaven's sake, don't drink the tap water. 

On our fourth day, we will... 

Day 4 | Thursday, April 17

Tune into yourself.

Not your inner critic. 

We will clear away the static so you can dial back into your best frequency. Your inner wisdom.

Any time you need to separate the signal from the noise, grab paper and pen, and remember Day 4's exercise. 

Day 5 | Friday, April 18

Finish with a win!

Our last day together we take time to celebrate what you accomplished with the new tools you learned this week.

So often you learn something new, and then return to the busyness of the rest of your life.

Brandy built in time for you to take a deep breath and reflect on your experience and ask questions. 

Yes! I am ready for the UNchallenge.

Secure your seat for our five days together 

Choose either free registration or upgrade your experience

Frequently Asked Questions







If your question hasn't been answered, reach out to Brandy using her contact form.

The more the merrier! Please share our UNCHALLENGE far and wide using these buttons:

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