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Facilitation Skills Workshop


First Rate Flipcharts 

Craft the 10 crucial flipcharts that transform meetings from meh to masterful.

In a Harvard Business Review study, 71% of senior managers said their meetings were unproductive and inefficient.

We have all been in meeting that could have been an email.

Meet the antidote to this lousy statistic — the flipchart. 

With First Rate Flipcharts, this humble conference room staple becomes the key to tapping into your group's knowledge and talent, making the most of your time together.

Transform Meeting Time 

Not only does Brandy shows you step-by-step what to draw, she divulges all her best practices in how to use each one and why every single format is critical to your meeting’s success.


Take the guess work out of whether your meeting time was well-spent. Your productivity is made tangible.  

Increase the focus, participation and collaboration of every meeting.


Brandy has honed these flipcharts over 27 years as a graphic facilitator.

She's worked with every kind and size of organization, and across industries.

Borrow her wealth of experience and ask her anything in the workshop.

Endlessly Adaptable

Ace these 10 indispensable flipcharts and adapt them to any meeting topic.

On Day 2, you will immediately put into practice what Brandy just taught to you towards your next meeting. 

Choose this fast-paced, engaging workshop to give your team immediate, repeatable tools for hands-on thinking.

2 day workshop


Group Size
Up to 20 people

Room size + wall space impacts group size.

Contact Brandy

Ideal audiences: 

  • Managers and leaders who convene meetings that need to be collaborative, productive, and create meaningful action. 

  • Internal service providers or business units who need input, engagement, and alignment with their internal clients to deliver stronger solutions.

  • Consultants leading client sessions from initial scoping to strategy to project management meetings. 

  • Facilitators ready to add strong visual tools to their toolbox.

Anyone who needs to make their meetings matter. 

Every participant will leave First Rate Flipcharts with:

  • A whole new approach to leading meetings
  • Their specific questions answered and rich group discussion
  • Hands-on experience drawing all 10 formats
  • Their physical drawings and a sketchbook to keep referring to again and again
  • Their own kit of markers and Brandy's favorite tools
  • Confidence in their new skills and a community of practice 

Potential Workshop Customization

  • Marker colors in kit coordinated to organization's branding
  • Adding customization to physical supplies
  • Add Brandy's books
  • Extending the workshop a third day to more application and practice
  • Follow up virtual group coaching sessions
Let's talk about how to create a great experience for your team.  
Note: This workshop is not artsy-fartsy flipcharts facelifts. These 10 proven formats are GAMECHANGERS.

First Rate Flipcharts will change your organization's meeting culture forever.

Start a conversation with Brandy —

If you're specifically interested in First Rate Flipcharts, please mention it by name in your message. 

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